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File a missing minor report with your local law enforcement agency either by going to the police department or requesting an officer be dispatched to your home. Write down the name and badge number of the officer who takes the report and also the report number. Request that the police agency enter the report data into the NCIC system. If they refuse to do so, tell them you are aware that it is mandatory under the 1983 Missing Children's Act. If they still do not cooperate, contact the local office of the FBI and give them the necessary information, they must comply under federal law. Contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-843-5628 and the National Runaway Line at 1-800-621-4000.

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Q: What can you do if your child runs away in Missouri?
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What happens in missouri if a 16 year old runs away from one parent to be with the other parent?

The child will be repporteed as a runaway and anyone who helps her will be charged with aiding a runaway which is a federal crime. The parent she runs to will be charged with kidnapping and lose all parental rights if he does not immidietly send the child back. So if you want a good realtionship with your parents don´t run away. It is also possible they put you in a foster home if they feel you can not live home without running away. No one will trust you if you do this.

If you are sixteen and have a baby are you legal to move away from home in Missouri?

Not unless you've been emancipated. Having a child does not emancipate a minor.

If a child runs away can children in youth take their siblings?

yes but only if they agree to

Can a 17-year-old who has a child in Missouri move out if her 20-year-old fiance is away in the Navy?

== == Answer No. Age of majority in Missouri is 18. Not being married, she is not yet emancipated. Her ability to reproduce is not a factor.

What is the punishment for running away in Missouri?

Punishment for runaway behavior, if applicable, varies from state to state, and many variables are considered, including the reason the child ran away (most of the time it's because of abuse, and the state may be reluctant to return the child to his home if that's the case), the child's age, with whom, and whether the child wants to return home. The sanction ranges from placement in foster care to juvenile detention, depending on whether the child is dependent (needs foster care due to abuse and/or neglect), or delinquent (runs away without just reason and has a history of doing so).

What happens if you run away in Utah and get caught?

If a child runs away and is caught in Utah, they could be placed in juvenile housing. Most of the time, the child is released back to the parents custody unless the parents do not want the child.

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If Child runs away do you have to pay child support Ohio?

Money should not be your concern right now. Finding the child should be the most important thing right now.

What should you do if an 8 year old runs away from home?

Dial 911 and report a missing child.

Can a child be in a bar in Missouri?


What can the law do to a child that runs away to the grandparents and wont come home?

If the child runs away and refuses to come home, the law may intervene by requiring the child to return home or initiating an investigation to determine if there are legitimate reasons for the child's actions. The law will prioritize the best interests of the child, which may involve mediation, counseling, or temporary alternative living arrangements if necessary. Ultimately, child protection agencies and the court may become involved to ensure the child's safety and well-being.