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Q: What do you call white out that is yellow?
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What do you call the yellow part and the white part?

the yellow part of an egg is called the yolk, and the white part is called the egg white also called the albumen.

What do you call a white and yellow flower that is spelled with 5 letters the middle letter is i?

Daisy, something Lilly and daffodil are all white and yellow flowers.

How do you find peoples phone numbers?

The phone book (Yellow Pages or White Pages depending on the kind of call) You can also got to the White/Yellow Pages website.

What do you call a temperate plant with fleshy leaves and red white or yellow flowers?


What if you pass yellow light at a traffic light and it turns red right afterwards and your rear-wheel-drive is still behind the white lane Will that still be considered a penalty or something?

No, the white line is for your front bumper. If your front bumper passes the white line on yellow, that's just going through a yellow light, which isn't illegal. You can call it a close call, but not illegal.

What is a mexian meal with white and yellow things?

are you referring to white or yellow corn meal? Many Mexican recipes call for cornmeal one being tamales. Some tortillas are made of corn meal.

What colour does yellow and white make?

Yellow and white mixed together make a light, pastel shade of yellow.

What colors do you mix to get light yellow?

yellow and white. light green and yellow orange yellow and white

Does YELLOW go with white?

Yes white goes with yellow, any shade of yellow will do

What do you get when you mix yellow and white?

When you mix yellow and white together, you typically get a lighter shade of yellow as white lightens the yellow pigment.

What does the color yellow and white?

I think purple does yellow and white.

Is yellow better than white?

Yes yellow is better than white