well im a guy and its kinda weird for me 2 talk about this but Ive been to Argentina, and the girls wear really sexy clothe its actually awsome u have to go to Argentina and i know it has nothing to do with the question but girls from Argentina are HOT
i mean i TOTALLY have a wet dream just thinking about their smokin boobs
I'm having a SERIOUS erection right now!
Girls from Argentina wear cloths from Saskatchewan.
The girls in Argentina wear similar outfits as other girls. Long dresses are fashionable for them and most of them love to wear their bikinis at the beaches.
Rich girls wear the same as normal girls, nothing different.
Yes, yes they do.
yes they wear shorts
depends on the age
girls wore dresses and boys wore pants
Generally young girls wear a skort. Its also used in sports.
Old-fashioned princess dresses
they wore long poofy dresses
Yes, they do. Hindu women wear sarees/ sari's+a bhindi and Hindu men wear Kurtas. Young Hindu girls wear gagra choli's and bhindi's, and Young Hindu boys also wear kurtas.
No! They damage breast tissue and can lead to early breast droop and an inability to breast feed. Don't wear them. They kill!