hold it with two hands by the top.
Handle made of any suitable material concerning safety and comfortable to our hands.
yes they do hold hands
Because you will burn yourself!?!
It means to physically mistreat someone. Often roughly.E.g: The kidnapper manhandled the boy. man·han·dle(mnhndl) tr.v. man·han·dled, man·han·dling, man·han·dles1. To handle roughly.2. To move or handle by manpower alone.manhandle - handle roughly; "I was manhandled by the police" palm, handle - touch, lift, or hold with the hands; "Don't handle the merchandise"
they don't hold hands
go to the person and say can i hold hands
The handle unscrews which releases the tension on the blade. There is a pin through each end of the blade that slips into a notch in each end of the handle.
You hold it with your hands.....DHHH!
Let's Hold Hands was created on 2010-11-04.