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Bottom of the stairs...somewhere secluded, where they won't be distracted :D

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Q: Where might a child have to sit during time out?
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Where does a child sit during time out?

naughty chair, corner, bedroom, stairs

If a child hit another child what can the parent do?

If you are the parent of the child that hit the other you need to teach your child to not hit. To do so, most of the time, time out works. Get a chair, put it in the corner of the room, and make them sit in the chair with nothing to do. make them sit there the number of years they are in minutes. EXAMPLE: if they are five, make them sit for five min. if you are the parent of the child that got hit, find the parent of the other child and tell them about it. Make your child that got hit feel better by comforting them.

Where do the children sit for the trial why what does this tell you?

Children typically sit with the prosecutor or victim's advocate during a trial in order to provide support and ensure their well-being. This arrangement shows the court's concern for the child's comfort and protection during the legal proceedings, and recognizes the potential emotional impact of the trial on the child.

How do you teach your child to use the toilet?

Sit with your chid and show the chil that you have pacience. So just take a time and sit with the chid every day and make sure is the same time every day.

What age can a child sit in front seat for Mass?

The child should sit in the back until 12 for safety, but the child could sit in the front when they're 8. They have to be 57 inches or taller.

When can a child sit in the front sit in California?

When they are 12 or up

Can your baby sit at 2?

A baby should be able to sit and walk around that age. Some children develop slower, but if your child isn't at least somewhat talking at that age, then you might want to see your pediatrician to make sure your child doesnt have a birth defect.

How do you get a child to understand sit down and stay?

Smack Him/Her a few times, than next time they'll listen

Stepfather holds grandson for long amounts of time for punishment and the child sits there tearful what effect will that have on the child?

It is cruel for the stepfather to hold the grandson for a long period of time as punishment and will frighten then child. It is far better for the child to be told to sit in a corner in a chair or sit at a table for about 15 minutes or, if they are really being a handful send them to their room for a half hour. Holding a child for so long makes them feel trapped and afraid.

Was Rosa Parks in slavery?

No, Rose Park live during a time where blacks had sit in the back of the bus. She could not sit anywhere like we can now.

Can a child with a parent sit at the bar?

no it can not

Why cant your child sit still?

Could just be an active child.