

A room in an ant's nest is called a.?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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Hey! I Know! That's an "ant hill" out in the yard. It's also called a colony of ants.

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what a room in an ants nest is

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Q: A room in an ant's nest is called a.?
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it is called a nest

What is a group of ants?

It's a colony of ants or a nest of ants. If we say an ants' colony, or ants' nest, it's the place where they live. marie

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Erh mabee because there is an ants nest near by? or you have an ant farm an theyhave somehow escaped :) hope i helped :)

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Yes , Harvester ants do burrow to make out a nest .

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An ants shelter is called a nest. They build their nests where thousands of ants will come and use as their home. Another name for their shelter is an ant hill.

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Yes, ants probably do get mad if you destroy their nest, but they are not aggressive so you really won't be able to tell.

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no anteaters don't like nest ants get in it and they do not like ants