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Q: An anatomical feature unique to smooth muscle is?
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What are the unique features of smooth muscle?

they are in your digestive system

What are not muscle tissues found in humans?

Human muscle tissues are either skeletal, smooth, or cardiac. Each has unique properties. Skeletal muscle is used to move you around, breathe, etc. Smooth muscle is found in blood vessels, and cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.

What type of muscle is the heart formed from?

The heart is made of smooth and cardiac muscle

Can the heart contain smooth muscle?

No, they are not. Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary striated muscle found only in the walls of the heart.This is a specialized muscle that, while similar in some fundamental ways to smooth muscle and skeletal muscle, has a unique structure and with an ability not possessed by muscle tissue elsewhere in the body. Cardiac muscle, like other muscles, can contract, but some of the cells have the ability to generate an action potential, known as cardiac muscle automaticity. Meaning that some of the cells can beat on their own without any nerve stimulation.

What is distinctive about cardiac muscle?

Unique anatomical feature of the Heart muscle is the presence of intercalated discs. They hold the heart cells together and allow the conduction of impulses between the cells. Also cells have a high quantity of mitochondria, for the provision of energy.

Which feature is unique to the axis?

Dens are unique to the axis.

What did aristides identify as the unique feature of the roman empire?

Aristides identified Christianity as the unique feature of the Roman Empire.

What is one feature that is unique to Northern temples?

A unique feature is that it has many tall towers with curving sides that taper at the top.

What is the the iguanas special feature?

They are unique by being unique.

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What are unique feature of Mars?

No idea! Srry ;

What is the unique and identifiable feature of the planet?
