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Q: Animal behavior researchers often refer to an activity associated with punishment or reward as?
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Positive reinforcement and negative punishment are?

Different in that positive reinforcement increases a behavior and negative punishment decreases a behavior

What are three factors that increase the effectiveness of punishment?

Three factors that can increase the effectiveness of punishment are: 1) consistency in applying the punishment when the undesired behavior occurs, 2) ensuring the punishment is meaningful and related to the behavior, and 3) providing feedback and guidance on how to correct the behavior to prevent its recurrence.

What is difference between extrinsic and instrinsic motivation?

Extrinsic motivation occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity in order to earn a reward or avoid punishment. Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding.

What do the fundamental consistencies underlying the behavior of all individuals enable researchers to do?

Observer Human behavior

Is punishment a reinforcer?

Punishment is not a reinforcer. there is Negative Punishment and Positive Punishment, and also Negative Reinforcement and Positive Reinforcement.*Negative Punishment is a consequence withdrawn following a response that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.*Negative Reinforcement is a consequence withdrawn following a response that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.*Positive Punishment is a consequence delivered following a response that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.*Positive Reinforcement is a consequence delivered following a response that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.

What answer best describes mores?

the serious prohibitions against deviant behavior in a society that result in severe punishment

How can punishment be no avail?

When no education is provided to curtail behavior.

How can punishment be of no avail?

When no education is provided to curtail behavior.

What condition if any do you think justifies the use of punishment?

In business, when an employee doesn't exhibit the right behavior, management must use punishment to align their behavior with the organization's goals. Punishment is generally points on their personnel record.

What kind of behavior on the part of the children elicit reinforcement and punishment consequenses from the adult?

ambot lang

What are researchers called who study the link between biology and behavior?

Biological psychologists

Is antisocial behavior genetic?

Researchers believe it's at least partly biological.