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Q: Animal that is brown in summer and white in winter?
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Related questions

What color is a snowshoe hare's fur in the winter?

They are brown to grey in the summer to white in the winter.

What is the color of the Arctic fox?

In the summer it is a grayish brown and in winter it is white.

What describes the change in coat coloring of an Arctic fox from brown in summer to white in winter?

Arctic foxes have a thick layer of white fur to camouflage itself from its predator

How does squirel change?

well in the winter a squirrel's coat changes from brown to white in the summer it's coat changes again from white to brown.

Does snowshoe rabbit change color?

soft brown in summer to mostly white in winter.

Are all arctic fox's white?

Not exactly. Arctic foxes are brown during summer and change to white for winter.

What coler are white-tail deer?

They are a light brown with a white underside and tail.

What is the behavior of a white rabbit?

A white rabbit is really brown! Its just white in the winter to blend in so it won't get eaten! They are usually brown in spring, summer, and fall!

Which fox turns white in winter?

In summer the background is dark - so dark fur helps them camouflage. In winter the snow makes the environment white so white fur helps them camouflage then.

How is the snowshoe hare and the Arctic fox alike?

They are white in the winter and brown in the summer. This is for camoflauge purposes

Is an Arctic fox white?

Yes, arctic foxes are white in winter. However, their fur will turn grey or brown in the summer.

Why is a Bengal Tiger the color that it is?

because of the season when it summer there fur is brown and when it winter is white so they blend in