

Animals that eat both plant and meat?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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That's called an omnivore.

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Q: Animals that eat both plant and meat?
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What Animals who eats plant and meat?

omnivorous is animals that eat both plants and meat

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can u Identify and explain three ways mammals are classified according to their food intake Herbivores- animals that eat only plants. Omnivores- animals that eat both plants and other animals. (humans) Carnivores- animals that eat other animals or flesh eaters.(tigers)

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Herbivores are plant eating animals Carnivores are meat eating animals Omnivores are meat and plant eating animals

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Heterotrophs that eat both plant and animals are referred to as omnivores. Animals that only eat plants and herbivores and those who only eat meat are carnivores.

What animals eat meat and plant?

Animals that eat both plants and other animals are omnivores. Examples of omnivores are pigs, bears, racoons and man.

Plant eating animal?

Animals that eat plants are called herbivores.

Are raccoons plant eaters or meat eaters?

Raccoons are omnivores, they eat both plants and animals.

What is the meaning of omnivorous is it that animals eat plants?

If you are omnivorous, you eat plants and animals (meat).Omnivorous animals are those which feed on food of both plant and animal origin.

Eat both plant and meat is called?

Omnivores eat both plants and meat.

What are omnivorus?

Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat. An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animalsAnimals which eat both plants and flesh of other animals .For example-crow,bear etc.

What are the animals that they eat both plants and animals?

They are Canivores, because they eat meat.

What are the differences between omnivores carnivores and herbivores?

Herbivores are plant only eaters. Carnivores are meat only eaters. Omnivores eat both meat and plants.