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Q: Are a gnu and a wildebeest the same animal?
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Related questions

What type of animal is the a gnu?

The Gnu or Wildebeest is an Antelope.

What was the gnu in south Africa?

The gnu was the gnu was the gnu. And it still is the gnu. It is an antelope, also called wildebeest, and there are two species in Africa, namely the blue wildebeest and the black wildebeest.

Which animal family does a gnu belong to?

I have no idea what it is but I think it's an wildebeest

What is the name of the animal that ends in nu?

Gnu, which is another name for a Wildebeest.

What family is animal gnu from?

Gnu is an animal, it is can be found in southeastern Africa. If you Google Gnu animal you will get all kind of information about it

What is the relation between gnu and wildebeest?

A wildebeest is a type of antelope found in Africa, whereas a gnu (short for "gnu's new unix") is a Unix-like operating system developed by the Free Software Foundation. The term "gnu" refers to both the animal and the operating system, but they are unrelated in terms of their nature and characteristics.

What three letter name of an animal can be rearranged to spell a weapon?

The letters in "gnu" (wildebeest) can spell the word "gun."

What is the African animal knu?

A gnu is the same thing as a wildebeest, which is a type of antelope. Gnus can be found throughout the southern parts of Africa.

What animal has a three letter name and is in a herd?

It is the gnu (often known as a wildebeest or wildebai).

What animal starts with gn or wr?

gorilla, grizzly bear

Where are gnu located?

The Gnu is a Wildebeest native to Tanzania.

What animal has 4 legs 2 horns and starts with gn?

The Gnu. They are also known as Wildebeest.