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Lambs are baby sheep.

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Q: Are all lambs baby sheep or are there full grown lambs?
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Related questions

What is the weight of a sheep in kgs?

The weight of a sheep can vary depending on the breed, age, and sex of the sheep. On average, adult sheep can weigh anywhere from 45 to 160 kgs. Young lambs typically weigh between 5 to 45 kgs.

Which is correct The field was full of sheep or The field was full of sheep's?

The correct sentence is "The field was full of sheep." "Sheep's" is a possessive form that would indicate something belonging to the sheep, while "sheep" is the plural form of the noun that describes the animals in the field.

On harvest moon ds how do you win the sheep contest?

To enter you must have a healthy, full grown sheep that still has wool. You will win if your sheep has nine or ten hearts.

How many bones does a full grown frog have?

There are 159 bones in a full grown frog and same goes for the tedpoles, the baby frogs.

How tall are chinchillas full grown and as a baby?

Full grown is 12 inches and baby is bout 1 to 2 inches a kid wood b 6 inches from Danny c

How do you make your sheep able to compete in festival on harvest moon magic melody for Gamecube?

You need a full grown sheep that is not sick, not pregnant, and not sheared.

What is lambing?

Lambing is the process of giving birth to lambs. It typically occurs in the spring when ewes (female sheep) go into labor and deliver their offspring. Proper care and attention during the lambing process are important to ensure the health and well-being of both the ewe and her lambs.

Does cactus sheep grow in Australia?

Cactus sheep can be grown in Australia, but only with special love and care. Please do full research before endeavoring to grow cactus sheep on your own.

What is a substitute for baby sheep milk?

There are a few things that can be substituted for baby sheep's milk. Powdered buttermilk, powdered calf-milk, canned milk, whipping cream, and full fat Greek yogurt can all be used as a substitute for a baby sheep.

Can a full grown rabbit drink milk?

only baby milk

What age does the sheep give wool?

Lambs are born bearing their first coat of fleece, but it is not shorn from the animal until it is old enough to survive in its geography without a full coat.

When do baby dwarf hamsters beccome full grown?

When they are about 1 month old.