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Q: Are bacterial viruses with a polyhedral head attached to a helical tail?
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Three functional roles of bacterial capsules?

The capsule allows bacteria to spread diseases easily by preventing phagocytosis. It also prevents the dessication. It prevents bacterial viruses to get in the cell and also prevents hydrophobic toxins from toxicating the cell.

Cultivation of viruses in embryonated egg culture?

In clinical virology the use of embryonated eggs are frequently used because viruses need something living for the viruses characteristics to come out. It is frowned upon to use monkey and rats for this during school so embryonated eggs are the next best things.

Why eggs are often used to grow animal viruses?

Animal viruses need a living host animal to survive, so this is why eggs are often used to grow them. It was show that the flu virus could be grown that way in 1931.

What kind of antibiotics are good for cats colds?

None. A cold, in a cat as in a human, is caused by viruses. Antibiotics do not help virus-caused diseases. Your vet may prescribe amoxycillin in cases where he believes there is a bacterial component. The amount of any prescription will, of course, depend on the weight of the cat, and you should not try to guess the amount yourself.

Viruses need water to survive?

they move from person to person and regenerate... some feed on your red blood cells, while others infuse themselves into your dna so white blood cells cant fight them. they then replicate themselves. the only way to kill a virus is to isolate all who have it, which is impossible in the case of certain ones... like the flu. everyone has it at sometime

Related questions

What is the geometric shape does a virous prefer?

Viruses have different geometrical shapes, such as helical and polyhedral shapes. A particular polyhedral shape common to many viruses is a dodecahedron shape. This is a geometric shape that has 12 sides.

What is structure viruses?

A virus has a protein coat called a capsid with either DNA or RNA inside. A virus can have one of three structures. These are: 1. Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus. 2. Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses. 3. Polyhedral Cylindrical shapes: Tobacco mosaic virus Wheat streak virus Hepatitis C

Are helical viruses rod shaped?

Yes, helical viruses have a rod-shaped structure. These viruses consist of a cylindrical or helical capsid that encloses the viral genetic material, which can be DNA or RNA. The helical capsid gives these viruses their rod-shaped appearance.

What is viruses made of?

The most basic viruses are composed of either RNA or DNA and are surrounded by a layer of protein subunits. Some viruses have a viral envelope that serves to protect the virus from the immune system and helps with adhesion of a virus to other things. The complex viruses consist of an icosahedral head attached to a helical tail often attached to protein fibers that can look like 'legs'.

What is the general shape of viruses?

A virus can have one of two structures. These are: •Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus. •Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses.

Are viruses classified by their shape?

A virus can have one of two structures. These are: •Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus. •Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses.

How do viruses get into bacterial cell?

A virus has proteins on its capsid that bind to living host cell. Once the virus has attached it enters the cell or inserts DNA/RNA into the cell.

What are viruses that prevent bacteria?

Viruses that prevent bacterial infections are called as "bacteriophages".

What is a nuclear polyhedral virus?

This virus' image, using an electron microscope, shows an inclusion which appears to be similar to a nucleus. (Viruses have strands of RNA or DNA but no nucleus.) That is where the "nuclear" originates from. Polyhedral means that the virus has many sides. This is one of three shapes that viruses show. It affects the Wattle Bag Worm, the Korean Gypsy Moth, and cabbage leaves.

What files are virus's attached to?

Viruses can be attached to anything..

What does the typical virus look like?

Typically the protein coat, or capsid, of an individual virus particle, or virion, is composed of multiple copies of one or several types of protein subunits, or capsomeres. Some viruses contain enzymes, and some have an outer membranous envelope. Many viruses have striking geometrically regular shapes, with helical structure as in tobacco mosaic virus, polyhedral (often icosahedral) symmetry as in herpes virus, or more complex mixtures of arrangements as in large viruses, such as the pox viruses and the larger bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages . Certain viruses, such as bacteriophages, have complex protein tails. The inner viral genetic material-the nucleic acid-may be double stranded, with two complementary strands, or single stranded; it may be deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). The nucleic acid specifies information for the synthesis of from a few to 50 different proteins, depending on the type of virus ...

What is the structure of a typical virus?

A virus is basically DNA or RNA (single- or double-stranded)surrounded by a protein capsule. Typically the protein coat, or capsid, of an individual virus particle, or virion, is composed of multiple copies of one or several types of protein subunits, or capsomeres. Some viruses contain enzymes, and some have an outer membranous envelope. Many viruses have striking geometrically regular shapes, with helical structure as in tobacco mosaic virus, polyhedral (often icosahedral) symmetry as in herpes virus, or more complex mixtures of arrangements as in large viruses, such as the pox viruses and the larger bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages . Certain viruses, such as bacteriophages, have complex protein tails. The inner viral genetic material -the nucleic acid- may be double stranded, with two complementary strands, or single stranded; it may be deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). The nucleic acid specifies information for the synthesis of from a few to as many as 50 different proteins, depending on the type of virus.