

Are cats really superior to humans?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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That's one loaded question! Considering most humans think they are the most superior (it's in their own minds) then no, cats honestly aren't superior to humans. Egyptians treated cats as God-like as well as a few other cultures. The old saying, 'The more I get to know humans, the more I love my pets' can be so true.

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11y ago

Don't they already? I know mine doesn't work. She doesn't pay rent. She eats and sleeps when she wants. She doesn't have any rules (that she actually follows anyway). If that isn't ruling, I don't know what is.

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7y ago

Whether they do or not might be debated, however every cat knows that it is the ruler of everything.

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You should really look these words up in a dictionary. Generally speaking, superior is greater, and inferior is lesser. Superior steak is really good steak that you pay a high price to get. Inferior quality foods cannot be sold to the public. This question is located in the Animal Life category, so if I think of a superior animal, I think of one of the higher classes of animal life. The vertebrates are superior to the invertebrates. Vertebrates include mammals, which includes cats and dogs and humans. Invertebrates include jellyfish, slugs, and lower classes of beings. Maybe someone else will give you a better answer.

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Cats are smarter than humans. - INCORRECT.

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Most cats raised with love and care are friendly and trusting. Some are shy and reclusive. Like humans, if a kitten or cat was abused, they can have difficulty trusting. If they feel unsafe in the living situations, cats can seem angry and mean---when they are really just annoyed or frightened. When HUMANS are properly trained in how to treat cats, the cats become less afraid and act out less.

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Humans and cats share about 90% of their DNA. The genetic similarities are evident in various aspects, such as the structure and function of certain genes controlling traits like metabolism and immune response.

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"used cats" cats arent drug!!

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No, cats cannot talk like humans at all.

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cats can interact with humans by waging their tails, purring, or even looking at you with big eyes.