

Are comodo dragons endangered

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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The Komodo dragon is indeed endangered.

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Q: Are comodo dragons endangered
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Why are comodo dragons endangared?

Because - as usual - the human race is destroying their natural environment ! Humans have been poaching the dragons' natural prey for years - leading to a reduction in the dragons' population.

Does Bolivia have comodo dragons?

Komodo Dragons live on the islands of Rinca, Komodo, and other tiny surround islands, and on the westernmost part of the Flores Island in Indonesia.

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yes they are

Do comodo dragons and Tasmanian devils compete?

No. Tasmanian Devils are indigenous to Tasmania, Australia. Komodo Dragons are indigenous to Indonesia. Therefore, they should not even meet each other.

What are comodo dragons?

A Komodo dragon is a monitor lizard. Heavily built for capturing prey that is large in size, like a pig.

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What is the reson komodo dragons are endangered?

It has been endangered because of valcons and its food habitats

What are the environmental issues on why komodo dragons are being endangered?

Komodo dragons are the world's largest lizard species. These species are being endangered due to deforestation or illegal logging that causes the Komodo dragons to lose homes.

Is killing komodo dragons illegal?

Yes, they are endangered.

What is a komodo dragons protection status?

it is a endangered animal

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No, The Conservation Status is Not Threatened.