

Are flying squirrels born blind

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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My answer would have to be yes because of recent research and studies we have found out the natural way for these squirrels to be born is blind. You see in past studies we have found out that the blind squirrels like peanut butter so they have to be born blind to develop their keen sense of smell for peanut butter. Also they will eat peanut butter off of anywhere on your body.....Anywhere. so go to and get your very own squirrel sent to you by mail. The squirrel is free unless your last name ends in a letter A-Z or if the day you receive the squirrel ends in a Y. Shipping and handling costs apply. These costs do not apply to those who live on the Sun. i hope you have lots of peanut butter because if they don't get their fix they will surely KILL you. so don't make your squirrels do that and feed them peanut butter. Too many people have died from shortages of peanut butter in their nation so go to to help this endangered species. Also when you go to the first website you may choose to have us send with your squirrel a life time supply of peanut butter but our definition of life time supply could possibly end yours so be careful very careful. This just in our very own Joe Dirt from Mars has been kidnapped by a blind flying squrriel who was having peanut butter withdrawls so please be sure and feed your squirrel peanut butter or we might not have a president anymore. Now i would like to point out to you that the blind flying squirrel is actually on the endangered species list. Sadly enough when these squirrels are left out in the wild without peanut butter long enough well this is very hard for me to say but well they eat approxamately 9.2743676 posioned leaves that cause them to holusanate and go out and find your mothers uncles brothers aunts fathers great great grandmas pet inch worm and well it doesnt go very smoothly from there. infact these squirres drowned their victims with spit from their very own mouths....i want a piece of that action!!! like my bff if you get scratched by a blind flying squirrel you will mutate into a Giant rabid stick so don't get scratched. Yes so that concludes our very short and underestimated nonfiction story explaining to you that most flying squirrels are born blind and so in conclusion when you find yourself in loathing and in self doubt still remember there is a little blind flying squirrel waiting to drown you in their spit. thank you and have a nice day loser!!!

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