

Are gerbils nicer than hamsters

Updated: 6/28/2024
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12y ago

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No because hamsters tend to eat things they shouldn't. Expecially if you forgot to feed them. Hamsters also fight a lot. they can draw blood, and maybe even rip off a human finger. Gerbils won't draw blood. But if you forget to feed them, they will get mad.

hope this helps

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12y ago
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4w ago

Both gerbils and hamsters can make friendly pets, but their behavior can vary based on individual personalities. Gerbils are known for being more social and active compared to hamsters, which tend to be more solitary. It ultimately depends on the specific pet and their upbringing in terms of which may be deemed "nicer."

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12y ago

all gerbils i have had were so cute and nice and they never once bit me! my hamster bit me all the time though and he slept all day and hated to be picked up. so if u are buying one of these get a gerbil.

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13y ago

Gerbils are way easier to train than hamsters. They thrive for food, and will do anything to get some. Gerbils, however, aren't affectionate. They don't bond with their owners just because the owner is nice to them. They want food, and even with what they want, they will not truly be "loving."

Hamsters can bond with owners, though training them is difficult. They will lick you when they are happy with you and satisfied. Hamsters are probably friendlier than gerbils.

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16y ago

Neither of them is smarter than the other, but gerbils are better for pets unless you''re nocturnal too.

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13y ago

Yes, they are fairly bigger than hamsters; hamsters are short and chubby and very cute while gerbils are very big and skinny but also very adorable!

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What is the difference between a Hamster and a gerbil?

1. A gerbil has got a long tail and a hamster has a short stub. 2. A gerbil is a bit like a rat, but smaller, with a furry tail and a shorter snout. 3. Gerbils LOVE chewing and shredding up things, but hamsters don't as much. 4. Gerbils come from the desert. They don't pee very often because they don't drink much. 5. Gerbils are awake during the day. Hamsters are nocturnal. 6. Hamsters have more dark meat.A gerbil is much less a people critter. A gerbil also sleeps 4 hours, then is awake four hours. A hamster (notice the spelling, no p) is noternal. Plus, a gerbil chews everything, while a hamster doesn't. Therefore, a gerbil cannot be put into the plastic houses for ever, because they will find a way to eat it and escape.

Is the long hair gerbil bigger than a hamster?

A long haired hamster, also known as a syrian hamster, can grow up to 5-6 inches. Even though they have longer and messier coats types than a short haired hamster, a long haired hamster does not grow bigger in size than a short haired. Long haired hamsters reach their full size a within a year after birth.

Can gerbils eat mealworms?

Yes, gerbils can eat mealworms as an occasional treat. Mealworms are a good source of protein for gerbils but should not be a regular part of their diet as they are high in fat. Make sure the mealworms are fresh and properly sourced to avoid any potential risks.

Are pigs classified as a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

No. They are mammals in the rodent family along with rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils.

What noise does a shrew make?

Voles make a small little chirps just like hamsters, guinea pigs, or gerbils.

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Is hamsters bigger than gerbil?

some hamsters are bigger then gerbils e.g. syrian hamsters.

Should will com in your hand more hamsters or gerbils?

I think gerbils will more often because they are more curious than hamsters.

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hamsters have been smaller than guinea pigs and gerbils look like squirrels but smaller

Do gerbils have feathers?

no gerbils don't have feathers, they have fur

Do gerbils have food pouches?

No, they do not, that is an adaptation specific to hamsters, not gerbils.

Do hamsters bite more than gerbils?

I would say that both could bite, and both have sharp teeth, but, often, hamsters can get scared more easily than gerbils, and gerbils are social animals, so they usually like to be handled a lot, while hamsters would hide in their nest/burrow all day and want to be alone (they are solitary). I believe more likely hamsters would bite.

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Depends on the amount of beer each has consumed

Are gerbils better pets than hamsters to an 8 year old child?

chinchilas are the cooliest

Which animals poo more hamsters or gerbils?

gerbils. especially Ginnie pigs!

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Well, black bear hamsters were bred from teddies to be nicer, but every hamster is different. I'd say they are about the same....

Are hamsters the best pet ever?

No gerbils are!! Though hamsters are quite cute!