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The gorillas animal is not the second strongest animal.

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Q: Are gorillas the second strongest animals?
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This is true.

Are gorillas vertabrates?

Yes. Gorillas are vertebrate (animals with a backbone)

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Male silverback gorillas are extremely strong and threatening if need be.

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no, gorillas are.

What is the second tallest of the apes after gorillas?

Gorillas aren't the tallest apes, humans are.

Do gorillas eat animals?

Animals are not a big part of a gorillas diet, they are mainly herbivores, plant eaters. But they CAN eat meat, and do when there's an opportunity.

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Covalent bonds are the second strongest

Do jaguars like gorillas?

Gorillas and jaguars don't live in the same environment. Gorillas live in Africa and jaguars are in the Amazon rainforest. Animals neither like or dislike other animals. They see them as food or not.