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No they are not. They are usually laid in batches, or groups.

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Q: Are insect eggs usually laid individually?
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Where does head lice orginate from?

They are from eggs laid by an insect called a louse. See the Related Link.

Describe the structure of bird eggs and explain what usually happens to the eggs after they are laid?

The eggs have hard outer shells. After they are laid, most birds incubate them until they are hatched.

Where does the egg go to after the chicken has laid the egg?

Eggs, are laid into a nest. A pile of eggs are incubated usually, unless they are unfertilized and intended for consumption.

What happens if you swallow insect eggs?

Your stomach acid would most likely kill the eggs. Depending on what laid the eggs, it may not hurt to visit a doctor just to be safe!

Do the box turtles usually come back to their eggs after they are laid?

Absolutely NOT.

What if insects laid eggs deep within your cerebral cortex?

If depends on the type of insect of course. If it's the eggs of a fruit fly then nothing. If it's the eggs of a blow fly then you are in for a gruesome death.

What insect does the male bee come from?

Male bees (drones) come from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen bee. Fertilized eggs produce females (workers or new queens).

Can eggs being layed by a Bald Eagle be laid a few days apart and how many are usually laid?

Yes usually there are 2-3 days between eggs. Most of the time there are 2 eggs although 3 eggs are not uncommon either. Very rarely are there 4 eggs in a clutch but it has been heard of in the past

How many babies do the rainbow lorikeet have at a time?

2-3 eggs

When do head lice eggs hatch?

They usually hatch 7 days later after they were laid.

What are the differences between eggs laid on land and egg laid in water?

Eggs laid on land are hatched on the land and eggs laid in the water hatch in the water. *o*

Do they eggs get laid in sand?

A sea turtle's eggs get laid in sand.