

Are llamas related to horses

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Are llamas related to horses
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What taste better cows or llamas?

Llamas are different to horses because llamas have thick coats of fur, while horses only have a main on their neck. Llamas spit up to 10 feet, while horses do not spit at all. There are shoes for horses, but not for llamas. They are completely different to horses. Llamas are much more closely related to camels than horses, sharing the Family group of Camelidae

Why are llamas related to camels?

Camels, Llamas, Alpacas, Vicunas, Guanacos, and a couple other animals are all related. They are all camelids, like horses and donkeys are both equines.

Are camels part of the horse family?

donkey and horses are parts of the horse family.

Can horses and llamas graze together?

Yes, although it always depends on the temper, and such, of the animals. So not all llamas will graze with horses and vice versa.

What is the sentence for enclosures?

The horses and the llamas will require separate enclosures.

Did Incas have horses?

The Incas used llamas for transportation purposes until they got horses from the Spanish. So yes, the Incas did have horses.

What animals can goats live with?

Sheep, donkeys. horses, alpacas and llamas

Do dancing llamas eat hamsters?

Llamas don't dance, and nor do they eat hamsters. They are herbivores, they eat grass like cows and horses do.

What else looks like a llama?

Camals, llamas, horses, deer and moose's

Are moose related to llamas?

No. Try deer.

What are llamas related to to?

Llamas are cousins of camels. Alpacas gunacos and vicunas are also cousins.

Did Peruvians use horses to carry things?

Before the introduction of horses to the new world, llamas and alpacas were used to transport goods.