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person 1: Well, I have two rabbits named Peter and Anna. Peter is always trying to get out of his hutch while Anna watches from hers. So females are more friendly in my opinion.

Person 2: Actually, rabbits, like humans and many other animals, all have different personalities. So the gender does not determine how gentle or aggressive they are. A female rabbit may be even more aggressive than a male one, or vis-versa. Whether a rabbit is gentle or not, may depend on how it is being treated or how it has been treated in the past.

Person 3: I have 2 rabbits, a male and a female, and they are both good but the male i find is gentler. we also have babies but we can't find out whether they are girls or boys yet, but the one that looks like a girl is very friendly. but then so are the others. I guess it's like people, it's just their personality.

Person 4: I have two rabbits as well, I find my male to be mroe gentler towards me but more aggressive towards other animals.

Person 5:Well female rabbits are more protective then males around there hutch and don't like you cleaning it up(they pounce). Males are much gentler then females and they enjoy a nice pat when females like to wrigle out of your hands to jump out.

Person 6: In the past i have had 4 females and 1 male rabbits,all of them have diffrent personalites. 2 of the females were aggressive but i also had 2 other female rabbits and they were really kind and you could hold them and they wouldn't try and escape. Then i had the male and he was really gently but when we got him neutered he started biting and he wouldn't let you pick him up. my opinion is that it deponds when you are buying a rabbit look and try and see what sort of personality it has is it quiet and sits in the corner or is it loud and likes to jump every where.

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12y ago

It depends on the rabbit, but yes generally male rabbits are friendlier than female rabbits. Female rabbits tend to be more aggressive, but it all depends on the rabbit. Some female rabbits are sweeter than others.

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A male does not always need a mate Male rabbits, like other animals, are triggered by the female scent. If a male rabbit never smells a female rabbit, he will never know he is missing anything. If a male rabbit smells a female rabbit, he will always need to be with her. It is his job to make a lot of baby rabbits. If you don't intend to breed the male rabbit, it is best to have him neutered. He will be a happier rabbit and more docile. He will also only think about you and his food.

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Are female rabbits bigger than male rabbits?

Generally speaking, no, the females of any particular breed of rabbit are usually smaller than the males. But there are many different breeds of rabbit. So a female of a large breed like a Flemish Giant would of course be bigger than a male of a small breed like a Black Otter Rex. And size can vary from rabbit to rabbit even within a breed, due to such factors as availability of food. So a well-fed female could easily be bigger than a poorly-fed male of the same type.