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i think its commensalism, because the manta ray doesn't get any benefits from having a remora on it. hope this helps!!

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Q: Are mantaray and remora commensalistic or mutualistic?
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How much does a remora weigh?

The remora weighs about 12 pounds.(:

Advantages and disadvantages the shark and remora has?

The advantages of the remora and shark is that the remora hitches rides from the shark and eats the leftovers from the sharks meal.

What do Remora fish eat?

Remora Fish eat small plankton and plankton organisms.

What is the symbiotic relationship between the shark and the remora?

Remoras attach themselves to the shark and eat the leftover food remains that they can find. This would fall into the commensalism symbiotic relationship, because the remora is getting its food, and the shark gets no benefit. There are other studies that suggest that the remoras clean parasites from the shark's teeth and perhaps skin. If this is true then it is a mutualism relationship. Remoras eat the parasites off the underside of the shark to keep it healthy and alive. Plus the Remoras get a free meal and protection. A mutualistic symbiotic relationship. the pilot fish clean the shark's teeth and skin, and the shark protects them The remora fish attach to the shark's belly and eat the malignant parasites off it. Also remoras can stick to other organisms such as whales, other big fish and maybe also crocodiles. This would still fall into the category of commensalism.

What rhyimes with remora?

A remora is a type of fish that has a special sucker on the top of it's body. It frequently attaches itself to large fish like sharks, and will feed on the scraps left over when the shark feeds. The remora does not harm the shark in any way, and the sharks do not feed on the remora.