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well, i have a pet rabbit and a pet rat and the rabbit is alot harder! the rat doesn't need too much attention. the rabbit needs to get played with everyday and needs to be cleaned every 2 days.

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Q: Are pet rats harder to take care of than pet rabbits?
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Is it harder to take care of 3 rats then 2 rats?

I would think it's comon sence, three is more, so, yeah taking care of three rats would be harder. For one, they make more of a mess, and you'd have to clean up after them even more frequently, than with just your two rats.

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Which is Best Rabbits or Guinea Pigs?

Rabbits need way more care with their body as well as cage changes every week. They also need to be held at least 30 minutes each day. So if you are not looking forward to doing that, go with a rabbit. But rabbits are harder to take care of than guinea pigs.

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Pet rats don't have to be cleaned. They are fanatic groomers, and take care of it themselves. -Rat girl <3

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Chewing the bark from trees whittles them down a bit.

What do you do when domestic rabbits are born?

Let the mother rabbit take care of everything. She knows what to do.

Why rabbits are good pets?

I own a number of rabbits myself, so I can help answer your question, hopefully.

How do yo take care of newborn rabbits?

Aside from checking to make sure there are no dead babies you should leave the mother to take care of the newborn babies.

Does riddex pest control take care of rats?

Yes riddex does work to get rid of rats, mice or cockroaches it is free of chemicals and is completely eco friendly.

How do you take care a 13 years of rabbit?

rabbits can only live up 12 years