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pomegranates are somtimes ok, dont give them to often becasue they are too sweet for the horses stomache to handle.

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Q: Are pomegranates okay for horses to eat?
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Are pomegranates okay to eat if you have acid reflux?

NO! Peaches are very acidic, I don't suggest it.

Are pomegranates with light seeds okay?

yes the light seeds r ok

Why Persephone eat pomegranates?

Persephone ate the pomegranates because she was hungry. Had she not been a goddess, she would have starved to death.

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cuz they like bum

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The orange ' Halloween' type pumpkins are fine for horses to eat in small amounts. They provide water and entertainment. Make sure to cut the stem off first to avoid it damaging the horses mouth though.

Can you eat pomegranates everyday?

If you want to. You can't live on only pomegranates, but there's no reason they couldn't be a part of your everyday diet.

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Horses have very sensitive digestive systems, so anything out of their usual diet should not be fed without consulting your vet first.

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yes eat a lot of pomegranates

Do Iranian people eat fruit?

No, they eat a wide range of fruit including dried fruit and pomegranates.

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Blackberry bushes are not harmful to horses but depending on the horse, care should be taken so the horse does not eat the branches or get thorns stuck where they dont belong. Also blackberries can cause diarrhea.

Will eating bananas make your dog sick?

Some horses will eat bananas. Bananas are sweet and horses enjoy sweet foods.

Is it ok to use pomegranates at Hanukkah?

You can eat pomegranates any day of the year, including the 8 days of Hanukkah. Traditionally they are used on Rosh Hashana - the new year.