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Q: Are rooster fries that you eat rooster testes?
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Are rooster testes located under the wing?


Why do seagulls eat fries?

Yes, I've seen them eat french fries.

Would a rooster eat a snake or would a snake eat a rooster?

the snake would bite the rooster and leave. A rooster eating a snake is rare but possible

Why did you eat his fries?

Because I am a man who like fries.

How do you eat fries?

Well, it is actually illegal to eat fries in 90% of the world's country.

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Can people eat a hen or a rooster?


What do french fries eat?


Can puppys eat fries?


Can you drink french fries?

No you eat them.

Can spiders eat french fries?

no because there are so little to eat french fries they only eat small insects.

How many french fries eat in Chile?

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