

Are sharks stronger than humans

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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It depends on the size. Sharks are much more muscular than stingrays.

In a fight, if they are the same size, the shark would probably win. A large stingray might fight off a shark, but the stingray does not have the same strength, and stinger barbs do not do the same damage as teeth. It would depend on the type of shark and how hungry it is.

Most of the time, sharks and stingrays coexist.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Sharks are stronger and usually kill Dolphins first. But, Dolphins are smarter. Dolphins use their smartness to think of plans. Dolphins can go up to the shark, and rip its gills with its teeth, which stops the sharks breathing. Its like someone coming up to us and ripping the heart out, we can't live through it.
It depends on the age of the dolphin.

Sharks are stronger than dolphins based on their senses, teeth, and ways in the water. One of the advantages that dolphins have though is that they are more intelligent. For more information, got to:

doy! yes

no, but there is a very sensative thing in a sharks nose, and a thing in a dolpfins nose that sharks are afraid of, it's not the teeth (witch are big and scary),its not it's look(witch is cute and innosint), and its not any other thing! and a dolphin is smart enough to take its tail,and smack the shark in the nose(witch is so so sinsitive)

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14y ago

Both animals are strong, however, a crocodile has a few more advantages. A crocodile has a heavier and stronger bite than the shark. Bites can be up to 3 times stronger than of a sharks'. Also the crocodile is more agile than most sharks underwater. Plus, the crocodile has great armour.

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11y ago

i dont know but i dont like any of them i just think there violent rude hurtful stupid creatures you got something to say about that jkjkjkjjkjkj

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