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No, they are called arachnids.

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Q: Are spiders called insects if not what are they called?
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How are insects and spiders different?

Spiders have 8 legs and insects have 6. Spiders are under the Arachnids column and insects are under the insects column. Spider's don't have feelers (antennae) and insects do. Those are the most common differences between spiders (arachnids) and insects.

What do you call a person who studies spiders?

An entomologist studies insects and spiders. An arachnologist studies spiders specifically.

What are 6 differences between spiders and insects?

For one, spiders are arachnids. They have 8 legs and sometimes fangs or multiple eyes. Insects (not arachnids) sometimes have wings and less legs than spiders. See the legs, first - spiders have eight, insects have six. Insects have antennae and spiders do not. Let us now consider the number of body parts - insects have three and spiders have two. In addition, if the animal is hanging by a thread, it is a spider. Spiders make silk insects do not.

Are mite and spiders considered insects?

For one, spiders are arachnids. They have 8 legs and sometimes fangs or multiple eyes. Insects (not arachnids) sometimes have wings and less legs than spiders. See the legs, first - spiders have eight, insects have six. Insects have antennae and spiders do not. Let us now consider the number of body parts - insects have three and spiders have two. In addition, if the animal is hanging by a thread, it is a spider. Spiders make silk insects do not. Another big difference is that the spider has a cephalothorax and an abdomen. An insect instead has a head thorax and abdomen

How are insects different from spiders?

they have 8 legs insects only have 6Spiders are arachnids and they have eight legs. They eat insects.