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Milwaukee asks that all owners of dogs who allow their dog to walk onto other properties not owned by said dog owner must carry proper mean of disposal for the poop or excrement left by the dog. The law also asks that the owner take the excrement to their own property and dispose of the poop properly.

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Q: Are there Dog Scooper laws for the city of Milwaukee, WI?
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Related questions

What is a pooper scooper?

An object used to scoop dog/cat poop.

How much does a pooper scooper earn a year?

It depends on whos dog your scooping.

Is there a device that helps pick up dog poo in the garden?

This is kind of embarassing. The Pooper Scooper.

Can one buy a good dog from the Milwaukee, WI dog pound?

You can buy a great, loving dog from the Milwaukee WI dog pound. There are a large variety of dogs you can choose from.

What can you do with dog poop?

pick it up with a pooper scooper and throw it in the trash can then take your trash out so it doesnt smell bad

What do you take to the beach for your dog?

A leash and a Pooper Scooper, so other people don't step or lay in doggy doo.

Will your neighbors be offended if you name your dog scrote?

Your neighbors might be offended that you named your dog Bob, but they don't feed him, take him to the vet, or follow him around the yard with a pooper scooper. Name your dog what you want; he's your dog.

What do i need to take for my dog when i go camping?

pooper scooper, dog food, dog bowls, same stuff you would bring if the dog was at home minus the cage, and if that dog has a favorite toy, bring it, to calm the dogs nerves during the drive there.

How do you stop neighbor dog from killing cats?

Call City Hall and see if they have leash laws and if so then call Animal Control and report the dog and owner .

What can you legally do if a pitbull bites your dog?

you have to look in your town to see what the laws are. they are specific to each town/ city / state

Are dog fences allowed in a housing division?

Dog fences are allowed in some housing divisions dependent on if the community or city laws allow them. It is important to check with your local city council to determine what guidelines are in place.

What is the bet dog flea treatment in Milwaukee, WI?

K9Advantix is a product that vets and pet owners swear by for getting rid of your dog's fleas, and you can find it at pet stores or other retailers in Milwaukee.