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Try to find on this site

They have many qualified pet toys, you can subscribe their newsletter first for an updated new comer product.

I bought twice from them and it's so very though quality pet toys.

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Yes, breeds like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, French Bulldog, and Shih Tzu are small dogs that are relatively easy to care for due to their moderate exercise needs and adaptable nature. They typically do well in apartment living and are suitable for first-time dog owners.

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14y ago

personaly i hate little dogs.. they dont give the love that a medium or big sized dog would usually give..but what ever u do, do not get a yorky they are not easy to train and very aggressive towards strangers and other dogs

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16y ago

go to to find more one of my friends told me that=these r some pomerian chiwauaa=

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10y ago

The best miniature breed of dog is a matter of personal opinion. Some great miniature dogs are the Chihuahua, the Yorkshire terrier, and the Pekinese.

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