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Legs. 6: Insect 8: Arachnid 10 or 12: Crustacean More than 12: Centipede or Millipede.

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The answer is the mouthparts.

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Q: Arthropods are classified based on the number and structure of their?
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How are arthropods classified?

Arthropods and members of other phyla are classified based on their apparent physical qualities. Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

How are foods determined to be carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are classified according to their structure based on the number of basic sugar, or saccharide units they contain.

What are the classification groups for each of the 5 kingdoms?

Animalia: Classified based on body structure, presence of a backbone, and method of reproduction. Plantae: Classified based on presence of cell walls, ability to photosynthesize, and reproductive structures. Fungi: Classified based on mode of nutrition (absorptive), type of reproductive structures, and cell wall composition. Protista: Classified based on cell type, mode of nutrition, and locomotion. Monera: Classified based on cell structure, presence of a nucleus, and method of reproduction.

Who was the father of taxonomy and how did he classify living organisms?

Carolus Linnaeus.

What is the arthropod skeleton composed of?

Arthropods have an external skeletal structure, or "exoskeleton", usually made from a material called "chitin", a natural-made carbohydrate-based polymer. Chitin is not unlike keratin (a protein-based natural polymer, used in other creatures to make nails, claws, hair, etc) in structure.

How can element be classified?

Elements can be classified in a number of ways:Metals, metalloids, or non-metals.Solid, liquid or gas.Naturally occurring or made by scientists.and if you have more questions go see carl instineion he is so smart and likes to eat donuts and pie

Organisms are classified into kingdoms on the basis of?

Organisms are classified into kingdoms based on their cell type (prokaryotic or eukaryotic), cell structure, nutritional requirements, and modes of reproduction. The main criteria for classification include differences in basic cellular structure, complexity of the organism, and evolutionary relationships.

What are compounds the contain carbon as the primary structural atom?

They are classified based on the structure of their silicate group. Silicate minerals all contain silicon and oxygen.

How are microbes classified?

Microbes are classified based on their cellular structure, genetic makeup, and metabolic characteristics. They are divided into categories such as bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, and viruses. Within each category, microbes are further classified into different genera and species based on specific characteristics.

What did Linnaeus classified organisms based on similarities on their?

Linnaeus classified organisms based on their morphological similarity.

What is used to classify monosaccharide molecules?

Monosaccharide molecules are classified based on the number of carbon atoms they contain, typically ranging from three to seven. They are further classified based on their spatial arrangement around a chiral carbon atom, which can exist in two different isomeric forms known as D- and L- stereoisomers. Additionally, monosaccharides can be classified based on their functional groups, such as the presence of an aldehyde or a ketone group.

How are engineering materials classified?

the material usually classified based on their properties.