

At what age do you fix a male cat?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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male kitten should be to get fixed between 7-8 month.
Cats can be neutered as early as when they first reach 2 pounds. It's recommended to wait until they are at least 3 months old. 4-5 months is the best age. You may not wish to wait until after 5 months. Once a cat reaches sexual maturity it can begin developing problematic behaviors such as spraying, marking, and aggressive tendencies. Neutering early will help these behaviors to not develop.
Both male and female kittens can be spayed as early as 10-12 weeks of age, although this varies somewhat from vet to vet; some vets prefer to perform the spay procedure when the kitten is older and stronger; around 3 or 4 months old. Cats usually reach sexual maturity around six months old and some even younger at four months, so it is best to spay kittens before that age.
Kittens need to be neutered much earlier than six months. Many vets will now neuter kittens from 10-12 weeks old as the procedure is very quick and young kittens recover much faster than an adult would. Kittens reach sexual maturity at around six months of age, however some kittens can mature as young as four months old. Neutering is best before they reach this stage.
Your kitten generally has to be at least three months old and/or three pounds. Your vet will generally decide what time is best for your specific kitten, but remember: the longer you wait the more painful the recovery for your kitten! So don't wait to neuter them when their a year old!
A year is way too long to wait! It can be done when the kitten is 3 pounds, around 10 weeks. Call your local vet.

Shelters will neuter kittens when they are quite young and before putting them up for adoption (around 8 weeks old). Most vets recommend neutering before a kitten reaches sexual maturity which is around 6 months old. Some vets will neuter around this time, although more and more vets will recommend neutering much earlier.

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It is best to neuter kittens before 6 months old. Cats usually reach sexual maturity around six months old and some even younger at four months, so it is best to spay kittens before that age.

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