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they do not eat from the bird feeder,coss you mite not have wild finch food,you can got it from any pet shop!

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Q: Birds. green finches will not eat from feeders?
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What kind of birds do spotted owls eat?

finches, chickadees, or other small birds

What is the effect of height above ground on the attraction of birds to a feeder?

Many birds will eat from bird feeders whether they are raised or on the ground. However, placing feeders up high encourages birds that are not ground feeders to eat the seed. It also helps to protect them from predators such as cats and foxes.

What birds use bird feeders in the garden?

all birds eat from bird feeders its just getting them there without them being spooked so they will come back

What birds eat striped sunflower seeds?

Cardinals, grosbeaks, woodpeckers, finches.

Why is it difficult for most birds to eat from hanging feeders?

i think it is because they get seasick

Do hawks eat finches?

Accipiters, which feed mainly on birds do. The species most likely to take finches is the sharp shinned hawk, as it is the smallest of the group.

What is an animal that only eats incts?

Finches and humming birds only eat small bugs!

What kinds of birds eat seeds?

fringillidae-sparrows,finches,grosbeaks.also,columbidae-doves and pigeons.

What kind of birds use a birdfeeder?

This depends on what kind of birdfeeder you have and what you put in it. Seed-eating birds will come to a birdfeeder with...well, seed, obviously. These will vary depending on the kind of seed, and will include sparrows, finches, goldfinches, doves, nuthatches, and chickadees. Suet feeders will attract a variety - most of the birds mentioned will eat from them, and so will woodpeckers, sapsuckers, and bushtits. Peanut and other nut feeders will attract crows, ravens, and jays. Fruit will attract finches, robins and other thrushes, bluebirds, and waxwings. Sugar water will attract hummingbirds and orioles, and the occasional woodpecker or finch. And then there are the more omnivorous birds (such as the invasive European Starling) which will chow down pretty much anything you put out.

Will finches damage your garden?

kind of finches don't hurt gardens any more than regular birds i mean they'll eat seeds and berries if they can get hold of them.

Can you eat finches?

In Indonesia, very few people eat finches. So, I guess not. But, if in an emergency, we could eat finches.

What do Pine Siskin birds eat?

These birds forage in trees, shrubs and weeds. They mainly eat seeds, plant parts and some insects. At feeders, they seem to prefer nyger (thistle) but I have seen them eat black-oil sunflower.