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It is a grasshoper! or a locust!

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Q: Bug in backyard that makes a click clack sound what kind of bug is it?
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How would you use onomatopeia to describe footsteps?

Onomatopoeia is a vivid description of a sound, which mimics the sound itself. So, for your example: footsteps could be described as "thump, thump, thump" or "click clack, click clack", depending on the type of footsteps you are describing.

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Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, or Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack

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Cowbell is an instrument that makes a distinctive sound. It begins with the letter c.

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I wouldn't call it musical. It is like a clack, clack sound.

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The literary device illustrated in the phrase is onomatopoeia, as "clack-clack-clack" imitates the sound of the rollercoaster moving up. This device serves to create a vivid and sensory image for the reader, enhancing the overall reading experience by engaging the sense of hearing.

How do you write out the gun cocking sound?

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If you are using Windows, go to start / settings / control panel. Click the sound icon. Click the sound tab and change the "New Mail Notification."

Can you change the sound of the volume click a Mac makes?

With great difficulty, yes