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Q: Can Adding Salt to water to water bean Plants kill the bean Plant?
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What waters plants best tap rain or salt water?

Rain will better water plants because salt water has salt which will dehydrate the plant.

Can a plant grow in salt water or distilled water?

Some plants do benifit from salt in the water but you can experiment with distilled water for your plants.

Could salt water stop plant growth?

the salt draws water from the plants causing eventual death of the plant.

Who discovered that adding salt to a plants water will affect its health?


Can a plant grow with salt water?

Only a few plants are capable of growing in salt water.

What is the impact of salt on plant?

Salt makes plants wilt because salt is hydrophilic, or a substance that encourages water to be excreted from the plants, causing the plant to wilt and even die.

Will salt water or tap water have a greater affect on a plant's growth in two weeks?

Plants that have not edapted to growing in salt water will die if this is the only water they are given. Tap water is generally safe to grow plants in. In two weeks, if you were to water two identical plants, one with salt water, and one with tap water, the tap water plant would continue to grow, while the salt water plant would die.

Does salt affect corn?

Yes, by adding salt to the water, it prevents the growth of the plant and slows/stops its intake of water, killing it.

Can plants tolarate salt water?

Some plants, such as sea weed, can tolerate salt water. But some plants can not tolerate salt water. It varies depending upon the plant.

Why are plants killed when expose to concentrated salt water?

Salt kills plants because it dehydrates the roots so the plant cannot get enough water.

Does salt in soil affect plant growth?

the salt covers around the plants cell sucks up all the water and kills the plant. some chemical substances like spray that kills plants has salt added in it. salt kills the plant.. not all plants though. Carbon Dioxide and water helps the plant live and once the water kills it the photosynthisis decreases and causes the water and carbon dioxide to leave the plant ten it kills the plant.

Can plants grow in salt water?

Some seeds (mangrove and coconut) can. But in most cases the presence of salt causes moisture in a plant to come out of the plant (by osmosis) and this means that the seed/plant can not grow in a salty environment unless it has special adaptations for dealing with salt.