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A Campbell is a mallard derivative so yes it can cross with a muscovy. All wild mallards and domestic mallard derivatives can cross with any Muscovy Duck. However the offspring will be sterile (except extremely rare cases). Muscovy drake on mallard hen generates mullards which are fast-growing birds bred for meat. There are large industrial concerns that do this.

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Q: Can a Campbell duck and a muscovy duck cross breed?
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Do ducks live in Russia?

Yes indeed they do, and there is in fact a special breed of Russian duck called the Muscovy Duck.

What is a cross between a muscovy duck and a normal duck called?

There are no such thing as a normal duck (please reword ur question and maybe I can help) :)

What are muscovy?

It is a type of duck

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What Muscovy duck diseases are there?

Muscovy duck diseases and health conditions include:Foamy eyeAngel wingAnaemiaWet featherStaphylococcus infections such as Staph ear and Bumblefoot.

What is the scientific name of domesticated duck?

it will depend on the breed of duck. for example a Muscovy ducks name would be Cairina moschata and a Domestiacted Mallards name would be Anas Platyrhynchos which is the same as a wild mallard.

Can a mixed breed duck half mallard half domestic fly?

yes the only domestic ducks that can fly are female (and young male) muscovy ducks and call ducks. the rest do not fly.

What was the largest species of duck ever to exist?

The largest domestic duck breed is widely considered the Muscovy Duck. The can get up to 15lbs and were introduced into Europe in the 1500s. They originated from Central and South America. The ducks are also considered rather aggresive

What color are Muscovy duck eggs?

It is white eggs

How long doese it take for a muscovy duck to mature?

It takes about three months for the Muscovy duck to fully mature. These ducks are known for their large size and odd markings.

What is the Breed of duck that looks like a vulture?

Muscovy ducks. look them up.Came from South America to Florida.Now they are showing up all over ponds,lakes and such around the US.

When does a Muscovy duck start to grow a red face?

well when I got my muscovy female duck.. She started growing her red face at the age of 6 months. she was 9months when her face was fully red.