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They can. When the youngster is not receiving the correct nutrition they can't grow like they should. Not only can it stunt the height of the young horse it can cause damage to internal organs that may effect his health throughout his life. It is so important for young horses to get the correct amount and type of food, hoof care, vet care and of course love and training from his people. It's a very big responsibility but when done right you have a happy, healthy, strong young horse that will give you many years of service and companionship.

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Q: Can a horses growth be stunted from a young age by underfeeding?
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What affects do you see if you start weight training when you are too young?

stunted growth can be one of the affects

What causes stunted growth?

The use of steroids as an infant. (Most probably because of asthma). Caffeine stuns it abit and if you weight lift too young you can stun it.

If you smoke when your small do you stay small?

Yes, there is some medical evidence suggesting that young people who smoke marijuana can have their growth stunted.

Can weightlifting stop your height growth?

No, it does not stunt growth. The ends of the bone are still growing when young, and some people thought that if the bone was broken your growth would be stunted, but this is undocumented. Lifting is very beneficial at all ages.

If I stunted my growth in anyway can I gain it back later on and why?

The only way to "stunt your growth" would be if you weren't getting enough food when you were very young. If you had good nutrition up until about age 12, you'll reach your full height. If your growth was stunted by being mal-fed in early childhood, there's no way for you as an adult to catch up.

Can E Coli cause stunted growth in young horses?

Any kind of illness could possibly cause the young horse not to reach his full potential, whether it's height or speed or anything else that a healthy animal can do. To grow and thrive the young horse needs the right kind of food in the right quantity, vaccinations, regular worming, vet care, hoof care and lots of love.

What is the meaning of runty?

It means 'stunted' as in the smallest and weakest young animal in a litter

Why is caffeine not good for young people?

Because it's a drug. They will get some of the same effects as adults can get, like bad breath, yellowed teeth and skin, etc. But young people who ingest caffeine regularly may suffer from stunted growth, especially around puberty.

Is it okay for an 18-year-old to lift weights?

Yes, it is fine. The ends of the bone are still growing when young, and some people thought that if the bone was broken your growth would be stunted, but this is undocumented. Lifting is very beneficial at all ages.

What are the Effects of eating disorders in young children?

Young children can experience all the same devasting physical and mental problems that come from anorexia as teens or adults. Due to their young age, a child can contract worse disease as a result of their weakened immune system. Growth (physical and mental capcity) can be permanently stunted due to malnutrition, too.

Is it okay for a 10-year-old boy to lift weights?

Yes, it is fine. The ends of the bone are still growing when young, and some people thought that if the bone was broken your growth would be stunted, but this is undocumented. Lifting is very beneficial at all ages.

When was Young Man Afraid Of His Horses born?

Young Man Afraid Of His Horses was born in 1836.