

Can a pacing horse rack

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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If you are meaning 'rack', then yes a pacing horse can rack... However if you mean 'hack', then yes a horse can also hack.... Hacking is when a horse canters really slowly.... If you ever see a race horse, you will see at the end of the race, the horse canters REALLY slowly... you mainly see this on the winning horse... A hack is so slow that it is pretty much the same pace as a slow trot.

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Q: Can a pacing horse rack
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Answer no Answer They probably could, but it would put a lot of strain on the horse. The rack requires a high head set with a back arched towards the ground. The rack on its own put a lot of strain on a horse all its own. When a horse already has damaged back muscles the rack could injure the horse more and make it un-ridable.

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I am sure it is possible for a low-backed horse to rack, however, the Rack requires a high head set and therefore, a dished in back and that puts alot of pressure on the horse, especially on its back. Since a low-backed horse already has a messed-up back, it puts even more strain on the horse, and can lead to a horse with no chance of ever being ridden again.

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