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Q: Can baby frogs eat store bought fish food?
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What do you feed a Dutch mini frog?

frogs and baby fish

Pablo's pet store has 380 fish in stockRoger bought 20 fish What fraction of the store's fish did he buy?

Rodger bought 20/380 of the fish in stock. Simplified, that's 1/19th.

What do fish like to eat chicken crap or store bought fish food?

Fish definitely prefer store bought fish food to the fecal matter of birds, no doubt. PS, PLEASE do not feed your fish bird crap.

Where can you get dwarf frogs?

Call local pet store selling fish such as PetSmart

Are tadpoles fish?

Tadpoles aren't fish, but baby frogs. They grow legs and lose their tails later.

What do northern water snakes eat?

They will eat anything from baby fish to full grown frogs.

Is a tad pole a fish?

No. They are baby frogs. no tad poles are frogs that have just been born and have to go through stages to grow into a normal frog.

Are fish and frogs amphibians?

Fish are fish, their own group. Frogs are amphibians though.

What do baby Frog eat?

Baby frogs mostly eat tiny crickets, ants, fish food, maggots, or any kind of tiny insect.

What are the structural difference in a bony fish and a frog?

There are several structural differences between bony fish and frogs. Frogs have legs, fish have legs. Fish have gills, frogs have lungs.

Do champazees hunt?

The Champazeez can hunt creauters such as other monkys and baby gazelles and many of baby animals and samll animals and fish and frogs and rappites and some birds

How do frogs and tadpole hearts differ?

Tadpoles have a two-chambered heart similar to fish. Frogs have three-chambered heart, which tadpoles develop when they grow into a frog.