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it is true that they can

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Q: Can chicken feathers be used in the production of automobiles?
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What are chicken feathers used for?

I suggest that you go to Related Links "Chicken Feathers". Results should appear within seconds.

What is the sickles of a chicken?

A chicken sickle is a group of bladed Chinese weapons that can be used as a single or double weapon. They include the Chicken-claw and Chicken-saber. The function of these are offensive and defensive in protecting one's property. Another chicken sickle is the long, draping curved sickle feathers in the tail of roosters. Many times these feathers are green, a color you will not find in the hen. There is not a specific function for these feathers except to identify a rooster versus a hen.

What injection is used for chicken growth?

Its most probably oxytocin which is used but sometimes roxarsone can also be used for chicken production.

What can chicken feathers be used for?

One thing that is really hot right now is feather hair extensions. If the chickens have short feathers alot of people like the headbands, and earrings with feathers attached. Hope this helped!!

What is roach back for a chicken mean?

Banti - a non-technical term sometimes used to mean 'bantam'. Barbicels Cape - narrow feathers between a chicken's neck and back.

What products can be made from chicken feathers and manure?

Feathers can be sorted, processed and made into many useful products. The processed fibers from chicken feathers have been used in plastics, in paper pulp and textiles. They can be used to make a polymer film that is made into thin sheets of plastic similar to cellophane. It may also be used in plastics for dog food bowls and automobile dashboards. And a process has even been developed to make the quill protein 90% digestible.Manure has long been used in gardens to amend the soil as fertilizer. Chicken manure is very high in nitrogen.

Where does gasoline used in automobiles come from?

Gasoline used in automobiles comes from oil.

What are used layers in poultry?

Used layers in poultry would only refer to old chicken that produce eggs. Layers in poultry are the type of chicken that are bread and kept for purposes of egg production.

Does bread get its colouring from chicken feathers?

No, the coloring comes from the type of flour used, and also the amount of time it is baked. Bleached or all-purpose flour is used in white bread.

What are chicken used for on farms?

Roosters have several purposes.They fertilize eggs to create chicks.Butchered for meatThey can be quite loud and alert you if there is a predator near the hens.They are usually pretty and just nice to look at.

What is the sales tax on automobiles in MN?

It's a 6.5% tax on both used and new automobiles.

What is the purpose of cartilage in a chicken wing?

the skin or epithelium tissue on a chicken wing is there to do what skin does on any animal to keep everything is safe and inside it is also there because if you see the chickens skin it is rough not all smooth there are bits where the feathers used to be so the skins job is also to hold the feathers in place so that the chicken is able to fly