

Can people smell nectar

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Type your answer here... it depends how close you are to the nectar

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Q: Can people smell nectar
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Why do bees like the smell of nectar?

The main component of nectar is liquid sugar and most insects are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of it. Certainly honey bees are not attracted to flowers which have a nice smell but don't produce much nectar.

How do smell flowers?

1. Many flowers produce nectar to attract insects for pollination. This is produced from nectar glands in the flower head. 2. If you didn't smelled flowers then go and smell them.

Why do flower smell nice?

so it could attract incects such as butterflies to suck its nectar

What adaptations do vertebrates have to feed on nectar?

Vertebrates that eat nectar include hummingbirds and some bats. Hummingbirds have an ability to hover at a flower, and a long tong that they can stick deep into the flower to lap up nectar. Bats that drink nectar at night seek flowers by their smell. Then they hover at the flowers, and use their tongues to lick up nectar.

People normally think of flowers for nectar but many bushes and trees also provide nectar Which of these bushes and trees do NOT provide nectar?

Hackberry trees

How do flowers attract bees?

They attract bees with their vibrant colours and sweet smell so they will want the nectar and pollen inside

Why do plants provide bees with nectar?

The sweet smell and taste of the nectar attracts bees and other flying insects. When these insects fly to other flowers, they transfer pollen from one flower to another, thereby pollinating the plants.

What do flower release into the air that attract bees?

the sweet smell of the flowers attract the bees which causes the bees to collect the nectar from a flower

Do people have the same sensitivities to smell?

No people don't have the same sensitivities to smell

Do people with schizophrenia have a smell?

No they do not smell any different than normal people.

What do you smell at the beach?

you smell salt from the ocean and sometimes pollution and the smell of people.

What do nectar bats eat?

they eat nectar that's why they are called nectar bats