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I have tow male Ginny pigs an i keep them together and they are fine.

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Q: Can you keep two male guinea pigs in the same cage?
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Related questions

Do guinea pigs like or dislike there cage?

Depends on the Guinea Pig - also on the cage. I keep my guinea pigs in an open-bottomed cage.

Can you keep 2 male guinea pigs in the same cage?

Try, but watch them closely. Many will fight.

What are some good things to keep in a guinea pig cage?

guinea pigs

Can to male guinea pigs live in the same cage?

With separate sides and protection

Will your nocturnal hamster keep your guinea pigs awake at night if the hamster cage is on top of the guinea pigs' cage?

Guinea pigs only sleep for about 6 minutes a day, unless your hamster runs around 24/7 it wont keep them up.

How can you make sure that your 2 new baby male guinea pigs get along?

It's best to keep them in the same cage for about a week. And you have to put them in the same cage together for about and hour each day after that for a while. I have 3 male guinea pigs at home and usually the guinea pig who came into the family or home first will try to show the other guinea pigs who is in charge (Or dominant). It usually takes about a week to two weeks for the guinea pigs to work it out and become great buddies.

Why can the male guinea pig not go with the female guinea pig?

Because the male and female guinea pig would breed constantly and you would have a major explosion in the population of guinea pigs within a few months. Also, male guinea pigs can be fairly territorial and have sometimes been known to eat the offspring if there isn't enough room in the cage for all of them.

How do you stop two male guinea pigs fighting?

Put one in a different cage

Do guinea pigs have the same cage as a hamster?

No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

Do the parents of guinea pigs stay all together?

Guinea Pigs are like any other animal, if you put a male and female together they will create little guinea pigs. If you want to keep the father in the cage, pay attention to the mother, she will let you know if she wants her space or if she wants him close.

How do you get guinea pigs to realize other guinea pigs are male?

your guinea pigs should already know the others male.if you want to breed then keep them alone for a while.

Can some guinea pigs not get pregnant?

It's true some guinea pigs can't get pregnant. Only if you don't keep her in a cage without any boys!