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I have two degus, and I'm not an expert or anything, but I don't think that's a good idea. If you put two hamsters together then they nearly always fight and kill each other, so I don't think either your degus or hamster would be happy. If you want to keep all of your animals safe, I'd keep the hamster and the degus seperate.

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14y ago

Bad idea, since their size is so different. However, you could try a rabbit.

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Q: Can you put a hamster with a guinea pig?
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Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

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Should you put your Guinea Pig in a Guinea Pig ball?

Yes, guinea pigs have delicate spines, which aren't as flexible as hamster spines. If you put a guinea pig in a hamster ball then you can seriously harm their back. Even the ones that say suitable for guinea pigs shouldn't be used.

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A guinea pig.

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Which wil cost the most money guinea-pig or a hamster?

A guinea pig may cost a little more than a hamster.

Can a female hamster live with a male guinea pig?

it depends what type of guinea pig you have

Can you feed your hamster guinea pig food?

No,NEVER,EVER give a guinea pig hamster food.Hamster food contains nuts,which are fine for the hamster but will almost certainly choke your guinea pig.Also hamster food contains corn which is way too fattening for guinea pigs. And lastly a guinea pig needs a lot of vitamin C which guinea pig food has plenty of while hamster food doesn't have nearly enough,plus hamster food has too much protein for guinea pigs.

Can you breed a hamster with a guinea pig?

No you cannot.