

Can you smell a frog

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Can a frog smell?

Yes, you can smell a frog if you want. It is possible but that doesn't mean you have to but the CLEAR answer to you question is YES you CAN smell a frog! (they may not smell like anything!)

Is it possible to smell a frog?

yes it is possible to smell a frog i dont know why you would want to but thats your buisness

How do you know when frog are dead?

They smell bad.

Would justin bieber smell a frog?

i suppose so

What are the sensory organs of frog?

taste,touch,sight,smell andnosie

What do the large olfactory lobes of a frog's brain suggest?

The olfaction refers to the sense of smell in any animal.

Does a frog smell like cheese?

According to the Thackrey Medical Museum in Leeds it does! Though I have read somewhere from a brain surgeon that the brain has no smell at all!

How old do you have to be to compete as an under 11 in athletics?

you are really stupid and smell of 4 day old frog spit and you are as interesting as a wet carrot

What caused Dr Finkelstein to fall asleep when he ate his soup in The Nightmare Before Christmas?

deadly night shade. she hid the smell with frog's breathe.

What are the sense organs of amphibians?

The frog has many of the same senses as a human. Their sense organs include olfactory lobes which allow for smell. Two eyes are located on the frog for seeing. He frog does have eardrums which are known as tympanic membranes that allow them to hear.

What do bright colors generally represent when observed on frogs?

The mucous the frog secretes from its skin typically has a foul smell and is usually a poison to help ward off predators.

Where are the kakapo's nostrils?

The kiwi's nostrils are located right at the tip of its long beak. The kiwi primarily uses its acute sense of smell when searching for food, and it has a very highly developed sense of smell, being able to smell out food beneath the surface of the ground.