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Birds are not mammals, but it should be possible.

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Q: Can you spay or neuter a male green cheeked conure?
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How do you know if a green cheeked amazon is male or female?

you see which one is a darker green if its darker its female and lighter is male.

How do you tell if a green cheeked conure is a boy or girl?

One way to tell if the Patagonian conure is male or female is by looking at the birds head shape. A female conures will have soft round head while a males head is more flat. Most female conures have pink feet while males have grey feet.

Can you give me an example of neuter?

The word "book" is an example of a neuter noun in many languages.

What are the signs of green cheek conure wanting to mate?

The female green cheek conyer will rub her vent on an object. While the male will mount an object, usually their owner, to display his want to mate. This process is called masterbation.

The word for one in German?

Ordinal number:einsnoun:einen (male)eine (female)eins (neuter)adjective:ein (male, neuter)eine (female)pronoun:man

By prefixing what is the neuter gender of goat?


Can you nuter a tortoise?

If the tortoise is male, you can neuter it, but have a veterinarian do it.

Age to neuter male puppy?


What is the gender of 'tree'?

All English nouns are of common gender.

Is it good to neuter your min pin?

yes it is extremely beneficial to neuter your male dog. he will settle down and stop marking and barking. it is actually one of the best things to do for a male dog

Do you spay or neuter a cat?

Spay is the sterilization of female animals. (Removal of uterus) Neuter is the sterilization of male animals. (Removal of testicles)

Is it recommended to neuter a male bunny and why?

If your bunny is living in your house and you let it run around, it would be a good idea to neuter. Male bunnies like to mark their territory by spraying urine and neutering takes care of this problem. If your bunny is living outside, you shouldn't have a problem and you do not have to neuter it.