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yes you do not put a windowwhere ever the bird my hit

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Q: Can you stop a red bird cardinal from hitting a window?
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How do you stop a cardinal from pecking on the window?

it might be because he wants to go outside if its inside put him on a cage.

Do you have a way of discouraging a persistent cardinal from continuously flying from a nearby tree directly into a window of our home He isn 't getting hurt and keeps flying into the window non-stop. He returns every year and stays here for months!?

He or she is sees his reflection in the window. I would put a picture of something uncomfortable for the bird (owl, hawk, etc) in the window. A best way to keep a cardinal from continuing to fly into your window is to put a different colored curtain up. They are attracted to certain colors.

How do you stop peewees from hitting your windows and doors if they are looking at their reflections in the glass?

Try sticking a fake cat up by the window if that doesn't work then try sticking something on the window so he/she can't see themselves.

How do you deter male cardinal from crashing into window when window decals do not work?

Cardinals are highly territorial of an area they have chosen for nesting. Males vigorously defend their territory from other male cardinals and will even attack their own reflection in a window or car mirror. Even females will attack windows, which can be quite distressing to people living inside the house. If the attack on windows is a regular occurrence and not just an accidental window strike, the likely behavior is a reaction to the bird seeing an intruder on its territory. The problem most frequently occurs during the breeding season. Both Robins and Cardinals are well known for this type of behavior but it can occur with just about any other bird. A simple solution to this problem is to cover the window with screens or rub the window with a bar of soap to decrease the reflection. Wild Birds Unlimited also sells a 48 inch by 6 inch static-cling decal called Cardinal Alert which is made to be placed across a window just above the lower edge. To increase success, interrupt the bird's bad behavior by going outside when the bird first attacks or even going so far as to spray it with a hose. The objective here is to shock the bird out of its pattern of territoriality. Hopefully these suggestions will be enough to stop the attacks.

Why do birds consistently peck on windows over and over again?

The bird is seeing its reflection in the window of the glass and confuses its own reflection as a rival bird. The bird pecks the window in attempts to discourage "the rival" from invading its territory. This usually only happens in spring when territories are being re-established. The real question is "How do you stop the constant pecking of a bird on your window?" The short answer is to obscure the bird's reflection somehow like placing a bright light shining out from the other side of the window, or covering the outside of the window with a non-reflective material. The bird is probably landing on a nearby bush first, then spotting the reflection. So you could make the bush unpleasant to visit like a sprinkler aimed at it or foil strips? Perhaps the easiest solution is to find a picture of a really big bird of prey (the kind that eats your robin) and apply the cutout of that bird to the inside of the window.

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if you are HITTING a deer in Indiana then you should probably stop.

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Stop hitting them. That would be a good place to start.