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Can we use Germolene on the dog's paw between the foot pad and toes? It appears to be sore.

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Q: Can you use germolene on your dogs wound?
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Can you use palmer's cocoa butter on an open wound?

You can, it won't do any harm. But you'd be better off using an antiseptic cream such as germolene/savlon, just to keep the wound clean and germ free. Palmer's is not an antiseptic cream.

Should i use salt water to heal my dogs wound?

yes u should use salt water to heal your dogs wound. yes u should use it but boil it.

Should a dogs wound be bandaged?

It is not recommended to bandage a dog's wound unless specifically instructed by a veterinarian. Bandaging a wound without proper training or knowledge can lead to complications such as infection or impeding the healing process. It is best to seek professional advice on how to care for a dog's wound.

Why do dogs wear cones?

Dogs wear cones to stop them from licking a wound or an infection and to protect their skin

The Vet put the cone around your dogs neck to keep him from messing with a wound but he keeps sliding it off what can you do to keep him from bothering his wound?

You can train your dog to stop bothering his wound

What does a screw worm wound look like on a dog?

Its a circular wound moist all around and at a closer look you will notice movements within the wound. The diameter of the wound will gradually enlarge. The worms can also be visible within the wound.

Why do dogs have to have a cone?

Sometimes its to keep them from scratching, biting, or licking a wound or infection.

How do you use wound up a sentence?

I wound my self up when I as skipping with my friends All the girls wound up for a fight.

Can you get a dogs stitches wet?

no you cant because otherwise the stitches will get wet and then get soggy and fall out then if the wound isn't healed enough then the cut, or wound could bleed a lot.

When should you use alcohol on a wound?

Never! It will sting like crazy. Never use anything on an open wound that you wouldn't use in your eye.

Is it bad for the dog that licks another dogs wound?

It's not ideal. If necessary, you may need to put a cone around the dog's neck to prevent this until the wound knits. You can get safety cones at your vet's office.

Why does husband love to let a dog to lick his blood?

A dogs lick actually helps a wound heal