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Pig Grower has vitamins, minerals, and something to promote growth. Chickens eat almost anything so it likely wouldn't hurt them if you gave it to them. However, it would be better to give them something specially formulated for poultry.

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Q: Can you use pig grower to feed chickens?
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Give it to the boy raising chickens. He will give you a chicken. Take it to the farm (right).

Do you use the same food for baby chick's as you use for adult chickens?

You can and some do, but tiny chicks have small mouths and there are many brands of Chick starter available. Chick starter comes medicated to help prevent coccidossis and other digestive diseases. Chick starter is basically regular chicken food ground into smaller size to accomodate small beaks.Many breeders start the new hatch with chick starter, move them to a chick grower and then put the birds on Laying mash.

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The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not allow poultry farmers to feed hormones to chickens, at least to those destined for food use. (see the related link)

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Worm compost tea is good for plants. Fishing worms. Feed to chickens.. use mail as bedding.

Can you feed baby guinea pig cows milk warmed?

I'm pretty sure. I don't see why not. It works better if the guinea pig is sick. I use to have to do that to my guinea pig before it got sick and died.. :( hope this helps. :)