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Yes, they can hear you and they understand. But they understand when you spend some time teaching them what you are trying to tell them. You have to have pacience, but they are fast learners and they pretty much have a sense of humor. they are funny haha. I love my rabbit. He is a really good rabbit, he knows that when I say no! or hey! or shh!!that means he has to stop what he is about to do (chew on something or something like that) when I say those things, he doesnt even start chewing and there is the lesson learned. He also comes to me when I talk to him. My way of talking to him is in a diff voice, so that he knows I'm talking to him directly. He also comes to me when I throw noisy kisses to him.

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2mo ago

Rabbits have excellent hearing and can hear a wide range of sounds, including their owner's voice. While they may not understand specific words, they can pick up on tone, emotion, and familiar phrases. Over time, rabbits can associate certain sounds with actions, such as the sound of a treat bag or their name.

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