

Do Wild horses like salt

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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* Puddles * Streams * Creeks * Ponds * Rivers * Lakes Anywhere they can, wild horse travel great distances in one day, and will come across water sooner-or-later.

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13y ago

They lick the minerals from rocks during the winter, and they dig up grass.

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15y ago

horses in the wild lick rocks and the ground to get the salt they need.

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12y ago

yes all horses like salt


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No, but they can breed just like regular horses,

What does wild horses like to eat?

grass and leaves and wild hay

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Wild horses, like most horses sleep standing up. Foals take alot of naps laying down.

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How meny wild horses are endangered?

only 3% of original mustangs are atill wild today

Do wild horses eat hay?

yes, but it is not the hay you feed domestic horses. it is just more like dried wild grasses.

Do wild horses act differently to domestic horses?

No. A horse is a horse and behaves like a horse regardless if it's wild, feral or domesticated.

Why do the horses like the bluegrass so much?

It is what they eat in the wild and apparently it has a minty taste in it and horses like the taste of mint.

Why are wild horses at risk?

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is rounding up wild horses because ranchers complain of the horses eating their grass and drinking up their waterholes. Their own cattle does it, and if the horses do, they do little. Poachers like to kill them, for sport. I help the wild horses, i hope you do too!

What do real horses look like in the wild appearance?

they look like normal horses, but sometimes with a desiese and sometimes very woonded, and not as clean, as normal horses.