humans do not effect carpenter bees at all, bees are a man best friend! the reason why they sting is to show that they are willing to risk there life for yours! aka to show that they love you <3
Bumble bees have stings, and will use them if provoked.
No, bees do not play dead to sting you. Bees sting as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened or provoked. Playing dead is not a behavior commonly associated with bees.
Drone (male) bees cannot sting.
Yes black bees to sting
Bumble bees are bees. If they sting, it is a bee sting. Robber flies can bite humans. It is not similar to a bee sting.
No, all bees sting, big or small.
humans do not effect carpenter bees at all, bees are a man best friend! the reason why they sting is to show that they are willing to risk there life for yours! aka to show that they love you <3
A white tail bumblebee does have a stinger and will sting humans or other animals when it feels you are a danger to it. These bees also have a short tongue when compared to other bees.
Bumble bees have stings, and will use them if provoked.
No, bees do not play dead to sting you. Bees sting as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened or provoked. Playing dead is not a behavior commonly associated with bees.
Only female bees can sting.
Drone (male) bees cannot sting.
Yes black bees to sting
None. All bees have their sting at the tip of the abdomen -- the rear.
Bees don't bite they sting (well most of them do there are some that don't).
Bees will sting any thing so yes.